Age: 49
Job: Environmental resource teacher
Background: Board member, Open Space Commission; board member, Koke‘e Discovery Center
What is the most pressing quality of life issue, and what would you do about it?
Our children are returning from college and aren’t able to fulfill their “American Dream” to own a home. Mandating developers to design and build affordable homes, which the monthly mortgage does not exceed more than 30 percent of their total income. Create amendments/laws preventing further increases in property taxes.
What is the most important issue facing Kauai County, and how would you address it?
Government officials have lost focus on why they were elected, to “serve the people!” Enough self-centered, “I am right, you are wrong” mentality. I plan to bring camaraderie to the council. I will create an atmosphere conducive to team cohesiveness, working in unity with the mayor to get things done.