Age: 57
Job: Solar contractor, radio talk show host, 760 KGU
Background: Set up celebrity sleepover for homeless children; see YouTube Jeff Davis solar guy

Age: 46
Job: Production coordinator; property manager
Background: Self-employed, documentary producer; co-owner, performing arts company
Do you support the constitutional amendment to allow public money to be spent on private preschool? Why?
Yes, I support change. Win or lose in the short term, we will definitely lose in the long term regarding education if we don’t try other options. Again, great people, bad system. Low test scores, high dropout rates. Teachers with little or no say in a curriculum that hasn’t been audited in decades.
Should the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs be allowed to pursue residential development in Kakaako makai? Why?
If our system was FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE, major questions like his would be addressed by term limit incumbents and their staff. Why ask questions that the hollow answers or solutions will not be fielded by truly competent people? From my point of view, OHA has as much right to develop under the hamajang way we approve such works as the HCDA.
What would you do to combat homelessness?
Start at the most effective investment, and that would be homeless families and specifically children. When I looked hard I found, in the Kakaako makai case, 40-60 CHILDREN living in tents and makeshift shelters, traumatized by the drug addict population and even worse. CITY SWEEPS … The shelters are unprepared for families. They would either separate the father from the wife and kids or put them in a warehouse.
What is your one big idea?
Campaigns funded by the state, not special interest “pay to play” elections and dynastys. This is the very root of almost all Hawaii’s problem.