Age: 59
Job: Principal, MFH Enterprises
Background: Former president, CEO, Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association; mayor, City and County of Honolulu

Age: 64
Job: Retired
Background: Former city parks director; former commander, Pacific Region Army Air Force Exchange Services
Do you support the constitutional amendment to allow public money to be spent on private preschool? Why?
While I strongly support preschools, I believe that public funds should be used for public school purposes and objectives. There are so many pressing needs that our public schools have that unless we can attract private donations, every taxpayer dollar should be earmarked for the improvement of our public schools.
Should the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs be allowed to pursue residential development in Kakaako makai? Why?
I am opposed to any development of high-rise residential properties in Kakaako makai. Too much development that goes beyond the basic concept of TOD has been approved. I would be open to hearing and supporting alternative proposals from OHA that have been vetted by the community and stakeholders.
What would you do to combat homelessness?
A collaborative process involving all stakeholders is what is conspicuously missing. I want to form the Hawaii Council of Leaders so that the governor and mayors will work cooperatively as opposed to dealing with homelessness from a silo perspective. Unless this is done, the status quo will remain.
What is your one big idea?
Providing collaborative leadership with mayors through HCL to streamline and increase efficiencies and work jointly on projects. These include a renewed statewide ferry system that encompasses a community-based process and a commitment to conduct an environmental impact study. Input from elected officials and viewpoints from all citizens will be sought.