2018 General Election Candidates

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Name on ballot:


Running for:

State House

District (if applicable):

House District 7

Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:

Environmental Planner



Previous job history:

I have over thirty years of professional experience as a project manager, environmental planner, facilitator, policy analyst, and government affairs and community relations advisor for private individuals, businesses, governments, and non-governmental org

Previous elected office, if any:

State Rep (N. Kona - S. Kohala) '94-'98

What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

My experience as a parent, owner of a small business and as a public servant provides me a unique perspective on how things work and don’t work in our state. In the early 1990s, I was the UH Sea Grant Extension Agent for West Hawaiʻi and served as a two-term State Representative for N. Kona and S. Kohala from 1994-1998. As a legislator and as a private environmental and community planning consultant, I have a solid track record of being an effective problem solver of complex public policy issues by being thoughtful and knowledgeable, doing my own research, working collaboratively with stakeholders, choosing a policy solution that really works, and leading by consensus to gain public support, legislative approval and agency implementation.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

The top three challenges facing voters in my district are (1) achieving economic development that provides meaningful employment and a healthy quality of life for local community members; (2) developing more affordable housing; and (3) strengthening public education and workforce training offering lifelong learning for the community.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

My highest priority would be to support sustainable economic development, affordable housing, and an improved educational system. I would advocate for legislation that would help small business be successful and strengthen the island’s core industries of agriculture, tourism, ocean recreation, astronomy, and construction. I would propose legislation to help diversify the island economy with new and emerging knowledge-based industries and resource-based industries, including renewable energy, marine biotechnology, ocean science and technology, space technology, and environmental technology. I would work to expand State and County efforts to build more affordable housing by supplying public lands to affordable housing developers with all the environmental impact statements and zoning completed. And I would support legislation to strengthen public education and workforce training offering lifelong learning for the community.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

As a legislator, I will work to improve the lives of my constituents by supporting a more resilient and diversified economy, stronger public education from preschool to graduate university degrees, and better environmental protection. I will support better maintenance and operations of state highways, parks and small boat harbors. I will work to improve access to hiking trails in the coastal and mountain areas. I will work to strengthen our public health and hospital system. I will work to expand the availability of more affordable and renewable power. I will also work to protect our ocean and island resources through better environmental laws to address global climate change, coral bleaching, sea level rise, overfishing, unmanaged land development, watershed loss, and invasive species. All of these legislative efforts will help improve community health and well-being.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

As I campaign door-to-door, I talk story with voters so they know we share common experiences and values. I am committed to work on our district’s priorities of responsible development, affordable housing, safe roads, and effective schools. I’ll help businesses build a sustainable economy producing more of our food, more renewable and affordable energy, and meaningful employment opportunities for residents in industries like tourism, astronomy, construction, healthcare, forestry, agriculture, and ocean resources and technology. And I’ll help protect our oceans, forests, ranches and farm lands; and support vibrant, connected communities with safe schools, roads, bridges, trails and parks. I work hard bringing stakeholders together to solve tough challenges. Together, we can accomplish these priorities of our district. And we can do this while sustaining the close-knit community and rural beauty of our district.

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