OHA trustee
State Wide
Rowena Akana.org
Trustee OHA
Career Counselor
Compassion and experience. My efforts on Housing, garnered a commitment from Fane Mae for 150. Million for matching housing projects in the past. My efforts to pass the Kuleana Tax bill on all four counties allow Hawaiians on Kuleana Lands to pay minimal taxes to stay on ancestral lands. My legislative efforts that resulted in the former governor signing a Bill that declares that the Hawaiian is indeed the indigenous people of Hawaii. And my future commitment to continue to improve the conditions of
all Hawaiians and the people of Hawaii.
Housing, Health Care, equal opportunity for education.
Convincing legislators that Hawaii's Charter Schools need equal funding with other Public Schools including providing facilities. Part of the Ceded land Revenue collected by the State on Leases go to Public Education and CIP (Capitol Improvements - school buildings etc). So, why are Charter Schools short changed by not receiving CIP funds?
Provide affordable housing for Hawaiians, and provide access to medical and drug programs for our Kupuna.
In an earlier study I did for OHA I found that the most vulnerable population in our Hawaiian Community today is our Kupuna. Most needed was access to Health Care and because of low income; needed medication went unpurchased because of the lack of funds. This is a necessity that OHA must address. As the former budget Chair, my proposal to fund The Lunalilo Home with over $900,000 to repair bedrooms for Kupuna was passed unanimously by the Board. My commitment to our elderly population has been a driving force for me to continue to look for ways to improve on their access to better health care.