2018 General Election Candidates

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TIPPENS, Michelle Rose
Name on ballot:

TIPPENS, Michelle Rose

Running for:

U.S. House

District (if applicable):

First Congressional District

Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:




Previous job history:

Executive Director of 501c NPO, US Army, Auto Insurance Claims

Previous elected office, if any:


What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

I am willing to represent the desire of the people and to make decisions based on science and fact.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

Decent Living Wages are rare, the Jones Act increases the cost of living in HI by nearly 30% and Social Security funds are inadequate.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

My highest legislative priority is creating an environment for voters to make healthy choices for themselves, both nutritionally and in their lifestyle. This priority includes GMO labeling, safe streets for bicycles and pedestrians, and eliminating food deserts.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

If elected, I have the ability to become an advocate for the voters in many government agencies. Legislatively I would like to examine ways to reduce the deficit through restructuring the current budget and replenish the funds earmarked for retirement benefits.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I encourage the voters to look at my website and to reach out to me by phone to ask questions about my position.

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