2018 General Election Candidates

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KAHELE, Kaialii
Name on ballot:

KAHELE, Kaialii

Running for:

State Senate

District (if applicable):


Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:

Hawaiian Airlines Pilot



Previous job history:


Previous elected office, if any:


What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

My love for Hawaiʻi, its people and this special place we all call home.

Born and raised in these islands from a working class family, educated in our public education system and grounded by my kūpuna in Hawaiiʻs values, traditions and culture give me a keen sense of the challenges that face our communities today. My seventeen year service to our country and state in the United States Air Force, Hawaiʻi Air National Guard have instilled in me a global perspective and leadership skills that enable me to develop collaborative solutions to complex problems. As a husband and father to three daughters I understand first hand the economic challenges of Hawaiiʻs working class families many of which live paycheck to paycheck to provide for their familes with no realistic future in sight. I will never be afraid to take on the toughest challenges that face our residents today and pledge to work in every possible way to find transparent solutions that we may not always agree on, but will strive to find balance and common ground that can allow Hawaiʻi to move forward so that our familes and future generations can thrive and prosper. It has been an honor to serve Hawaiʻi in the State Senate and I am truly humbled and appreciative of the voters in Hilo who have given me this unique and once in a lifetime opportunity for public service.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

1. Kilauea Volcano Eruption
2. Mauna Kea – Thity Meter Telescope
3. Illegal Drugs & Narcotics

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

Lowering the high cost of public education at the University of Hawaiʻi

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

Good jobs, greater financial security, economic opportunity, enhanced healthcare in East Hawaiʻi and a long term sustainable economy.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

My fastest time ever running a mile was 5 minutes 36 seconds at Cooke Field when I walked on to the University of Hawaiʻi Menʻs Volleyball Team in 1994.

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