2018 General Election Candidates

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Name on ballot:


Running for:

Kauai County Council

District (if applicable):


Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:




Previous job history:

I am President of Family Crisis Services, a consulting firm that advocates for children and families. Our clients have included the Hawaii Attorney General Department and Kauai County, for which we completed the Feasibility Study for a proposed Adolesce

Previous elected office, if any:


What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

I am running for the Kauai County Council because I believe that Kauai requires strong and independent leadership, who has a vision for the best of Kauai.
I have served children and families for most of my career in public and private agencies and I want to continue to work for children and their families on Kauai and Niihau. I believe that I have the experience, education, and independence to make difficult and responsible decisions for Kauai's people and environment.
I have administered a range of governmental programs in the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General; Family Court of Hawaii's First Circuit; Hawaii Child Enforcement Agency; and the Departments of Children and Family Services in the State of Hawaii, Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley), and Los Angeles County. Specifically, I have in-depth knowledge of government programs at the executive level, including government budgets, which is the Kauai County Council's primary responsibility. In my last position in the Los Angeles County's Department of Public Social Services as Administrative Deputy, I managed about 14,000 employees and a $4 Billion budget.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

A top challenge is protecting Kauai's environment. I was born and raised in Koloa, less than 3 miles from Mahaulepu and just minutes from Poipu and Brennecke beaches. As a young person, I spent almost every day in the ocean on the South Side at a time when the ocean was practically pristine. Kauai needs to protect the ocean and water resources. Kauai also needs to protect our environment against pesticides.
Another challenge is balancing the growth of tourism on Kauai and the strain on public infrastructure. I believe that a balance is needed to protect the needs of local residents for affordable housing, while also providing the visitor industry the support it needs. I understand the importance of preserving our way of life and country lifestyle, by not overdeveloping our roads or infrastructure, but at the same time I am reasonable about needed upgrades and solutions to address traffic congestion and housing and plan for the future.
Another challenge is an economy that would provide young people with sustainable wages to allow them to support their families and possibly buy a house. In order to meet these needs, educational opportunities for young people would need to be increased beginning in high school so that more young people would continue their education beyond high school to earn a college degree or vocational certification.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

My highest priority would be to review and amend the County of Kauai's laws and processes that relate to affordable housing.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

If elected, I will use my experience in social work and law to review the County's laws and processes to increase the availability of affordable housing and to maintain the number of affordable housing already in the County's inventory.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, a Master’s degree in Social Work; and a Juris Doctorate in Law. I am a member of Hawaii State Bar and am able to practice in State of Hawaii courts and Federal courts. I served as Law Clerk to Chief Judge James S. Burns of the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals. Most of my career has been in public service and I would like to continue to serve Kauai's people as a member of Kauai's County Council.

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