2018 General Election Candidates

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LAST, Michael L.
Name on ballot:

LAST, Michael L.

Running for:

State Senate

District (if applicable):


Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:

Retired Consulting Electrical Engineer



Previous job history:

I've been retired for over 15 years, but prior to that I was employed by an construction company in Kailua-Kona as the Project Engineer.

Previous elected office, if any:


What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

I am a Hawaii resident of my district and a qualified voter.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

The high rate of taxation on working people. The constant claim of the government of "No more money". New ways of increasing the cash flow into Hawaii coffers without causing financial harm to the working class.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

To institute a proven way of obtaining money for governmental operations, but without burdening taxpayers- UNLESS they want to be taxed.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

Represent the voters by not being beholden to those that contribute to my campaign. I accept NO contributions from individuals or PAC (Purchase A Candidate)

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I believe in the concept of having at least TWO people running for each office in the General Election. That is why I am a candidate; otherwise the person who is successful in the Primary becomes my Senator. That is NOT the American way!

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