2018 General Election Candidates

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CRIVELLO, Stacy Helm
Name on ballot:

CRIVELLO, Stacy Helm

Running for:

Maui County Council

District (if applicable):

Molokai Residency Seat

Political party:


Campaign website:

FB: Friends of Stacy Helm Crivello

Current occupation:

Council Member Maui County



Previous job history:

Local Manager (Molokai and Lanai), Verizon Telecommunications (retired after 30 years)

Previous elected office, if any:

Council Member Maui County (Third Term)

What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

I am lifelong Molokai resident and I am in my third term as a Council Member for the County of Maui. My fingerprints are imbedded with the many hands and hearts that work to improve and create healthier communities. I have been involved with serving as a board member for Molokai's Hawaiian health system; One of the founding members of the Molokai Land Trust; One of the founding members of Molokai's East Watershed Project and I served as a past advisory member of the Hawaii State Community Based Economic Board and past board members HACBED (Hawaii Alliance Community Based Economic Development. My experience and commitment qualify me to represent the residents of the county of Maui and the people of Hawaii.

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

The County of Maui is in need of housing, specifically affordable rentals and affordable workforce housing for our Maui County residents. Infrastructure is another challenge facing our voters. We have aging roads, sewer and waterlines that need replacing and building homes will require new infrastructure to provide sufficient carrying capacity for these new subdivisions. The third challenge for voters and policymakers is how we will respond to and mitigate climate change and effects of sea level rise on our coastal communities as well protection of our natural resources.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

I am serving my third term as a Maui County Council Member and Chair of the Housing, Human Services and Transportation Committee. My legislative priority is and will continue to be finding solutions to address our County’s housing crisis. My committee has worked to tweak and amend the County’s Workforce Housing Policy and we passed tax credits as an incentive for builders to develop one hundred percent affordable rentals. Currently we are implementing a plan to amend or remove policies that hinder or delay the process for entitlement to build homes. I am also considering legislation for the County to create a “fast track” process to build affordable homes.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

In addition to my continuing efforts to find solutions to our affordable housing crisis, I have been diligent in support of funding for our senior and youth programs including early childhood services. We must balance our fiscal responsibilities with developing healthy communities, protecting our environment through watershed protection, eradication of invasive species and supporting our non-profit community who are meeting the needs of caring for our homeless community.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I want to Mahalo my constituents on Maui, Molokai and Lanai for giving me the opportunity to continue serving as their Maui County Council member since 2013. As a lifelong Molokai resident, I bring homegrown sensibility and values to Maui County. I strongly believe that we have an obligation to give back to our community through hard work, diligence and most importantly, Aloha. As a county comprised of four islands, I believe we have a responsibility to protect and care for our resources, our culture and its values. Maui County’s population is approximately one hundred eighty thousand and as a community we need ongoing conversation measures to develop plans that are compatible in caring for our lands and our families.

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