2018 Primary Election Candidates

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Name on ballot:


Running for:

State House

District (if applicable):

District 42 (Kapolei-Makakilo)

Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:

Emergency responder, small business owner



Previous job history:

For the past decade, I have worked for humanitarian organizations like Doctors Without Borders providing emergency relief to survivors of natural disaster and conflict around the globe. I have been fortunate to run programs in 20+ countries to strengthen

Previous elected office, if any:

I am a first-time candidate. It’s time for fresh energy, fresh focus, and fresh action. We need new faces in Hawaii’s Legislature.

What qualifies you to represent the people of Hawaii?

Having worked and lived throughout the Hawaiian Islands and greater Pacific neighborhood – including the Philippines, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Indonesia, and China – I have gained a cultural appreciation and nuanced understanding of the complex challenges we face today. My accomplishments are based on facts, evidence, and human compassion… not outdated thinking tied to special interests.

Allow me to be blunt. I have run complex medical programs on shoestring budgets. I have successfully negotiated with real terrorists in exchange for humanitarian access. I have managed life-saving logistics in actual disaster zones. This unique skillset is what we need in Hawaii’s Legislature!

What are the top three challenges facing the voters you seek to represent?

I have knocked on thousands of doors and heard the real concerns of the residents of Kapolei and Makakilo. The top three concerns are (1) traffic, (2) traffic, and (3) traffic. I’m not sure that state officials truly understand the impact of traffic on Leeward residents. It costs our state millions of dollars each day in lost productivity. It denies reasonable access to good paying jobs for a large portion of Oahu’s population. It wastes valuable time we could otherwise spend with our families. We need real solutions now.

My team has already taken the first steps of consulting with international traffic management experts and local traffic researchers. We have developed a straightforward 6-point plan for reducing traffic congestion in Hawaii. Our solutions are based on modern technology, driver behaviors and better traffic management – not multibillion-dollar infrastructure projects. Check out my website to see an overview of my straightforward 6-point plan.

If elected, what will be your highest legislative priority?

I am a disaster preparedness and emergency management professional by training. I have responded to deadly disease outbreaks, tsunamis, civil conflict, and three of the most powerful hurricanes to ever make landfall in the Pacific. I have also worked with the state and county agencies charged with keeping us safe. I can tell you firsthand that Hawaii is woefully underprepared. People don’t realize that one Category 4 or Category 5 storm making landfall this decade would be the single most disruptive event in the state’s history. I will bring my emergency management experience to Hawaii’s Legislature and be a leader in improving disaster preparedness and response.

If elected, what can you do to improve the lives of your constituents?

1. Reduce traffic congestion
2. Increase emergency preparedness
3. Improve public education
4. Diversify our economy
5. Make government more accountable

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I am running to provide the residents of Kapolei and Makakilo with a fresh alternative. We have the same local problems year after year and nothing really changes. It is time for fresh ideas, new energy, and real action. As your Representative, I promise to always listen before speaking, put the community’s interests above my own, respect and protect the āina, and lead with kindness and humility.

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