OHA trustee
At Large
Deputy Director, Department of Hawaiian Homelands
Chairman Board of Land and Natural Resources, Chairman Department of Land and Natural Resources. Harbor Master, Waianae Boat Harbor.
Waianae Neighborhood Board
My experience from job history listed above, my experience with DHHL, my experience with being a Cultural Practioner, and my ability to bring people together. In addition, objectivity and integrity.
Lack of trust, civility, accountability.
Within the Board of Trustees, restore civility. As an OHA Trustee, advocate for a fair share of the ceeded lands revenue.
Once OHA receives its fair share of the ceeded lands revenue, OHA can increase services to Beneficiaries, thus fulfilling its fiduciary duty for the betterment of native hawaiians.
Yes, that the Office of Hawaiian Affairs impacts everyone in the State of Hawaii and a properly functioning Board is good for Hawaiians and every one in Hawaii.