OHA trustee
Does not apply/Nonpartisan race
Youth Counselor/Part-Time Teacher/Business Owner
Apple (Ala Moana)/City & County of Honolulu/Dorvin D. Leis/AmeriPark
The knowledge that I have regarding the role of an OHA Trustee, the knowledge I have about the inner workings of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the knowledge I have of the many resources that are available to our beneficiaries is what sets me apart from the rest of my fellow candidates. While they busy themselves during this election season learning about the role of a trustee and about what OHA does, how it operates, etc. I am working in the community connecting our beneficiaries to the resources that are currently available.
I have been painstakingly partaking in the board room meetings over the last few years, participating as a beneficiary, addressing the board with the needs and concerns of their beneficiaries and working on creating more opportunities for our beneficiaries.
Win or lose, this is what I will continue to do for our people because they deserve to be represented by someone who truly cares about their needs and who wants what is best for them.
While there are a plethora of challenges facing the Hawaiian community, the number one thing that we can all agree upon is the need for truly affordable housing. Many of the problems we see in our community stem from the inability to foster a stable living environment for our Hawaiian people. When this is addressed some of the other top issues like financial literacy/preparedness, job readiness/preparedness, health and wellness and education will be easier to achieve.
As a trustee I will work with my fellow trustees and policy team to create solid legislative packages that will address the needs of the Hawaiian community in the legislative arena to empower the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' ability to help actualize the great potential of the Hawaiian community.
As a trustee I will continue to do the things that I currently do for our people which is to connect them to the resources that are already available to them while simultaneously creating more opportunities to strengthen and empower their lives.
Dear Voter,
Mahalo for taking the time to educate yourself on the candidates in the OHA Trustee at Large race. I truly believe that we can make a difference in all elections if we do our due diligence and vote informed. With that said, I would urge you to take part in this particular race and vote out the incumbents. While a vote for me would be great, the more pressing issue is to bring about sweeping change in the OHA boardroom. Do your homework and vote informed!
Landen Paikai